Friday Nights are for...
...Modeling. The way I know that I love the career I've committed myself to, is that I'm fine blowing off a date to practice and improve my skills. Seriously. Plus, when you get right down to it, GDC is right around the corner. The only way were going to scale this mountain to completion is by sacrificing wants in favor of needs. I can't wait till it's done though. Rolling into GDC, or Beer Wednesday, or any industry related event and being able to hand out a completed produce is really is the next level in my mind.
I worked on the Trellis stands that line the track tonight. The sheer scale and height of the object make working on it a bit awkward. I experimented with the sub-object orbit mode to streamline the process.
Here's a few progress shots. (The trellis Frame is untextured. You're just looking at the Normal Map and AO.)
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